
Verses 34-36 in Numbers

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Verses 34-36 in Numbers

In Numbers 22:34-36, we read about an interaction between Balaam and his donkey. The donkey saw an angel of the Lord standing in the road with a sword, ready to strike her. In fear for her life, the donkey veered off the road into a field, causing Balaam to strike her to get her back on track. This happened three times, with the donkey saving Balaam’s life each time by avoiding the angel.

Finally, the Lord opened the donkey’s mouth, and she spoke to Balaam, asking him why he had been beating her. Balaam’s eyes were then opened, and he saw the angel standing before him. The angel explained that he was there to oppose Balaam because his actions were reckless and contrary to God’s will. Balaam realized his error and humbled himself before the Lord.

This passage serves as a powerful reminder that God can use even the most unlikely circumstances, such as a talking donkey, to get our attention and guide us back onto the right path. It is a demonstration of God’s mercy and grace towards us, even when we are stubborn and disobedient.
Image by Ai Junkie

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