
ThylaneB Female Born 1942

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Thylane B is a molecule with a chemical formula of (F)_2V-4. It was discovered on April 7, 2024. This molecule consists of two fluorine atoms attached to a vanadium atom with a negative charge of 4.

The discovery of Thylane B is significant in the field of chemistry as it adds to the existing knowledge of fluorine and vanadium chemistry. Understanding the properties and behavior of this molecule can help chemists and researchers in various fields such as material science, catalysis, and medicinal chemistry.

The name “Thylane” was given to this molecule by the scientists who discovered it, and the letter “B” signifies that it is the second molecule in a series of compounds with similar structures. The specific properties and potential applications of Thylane B are still being studied, but its unique structure and composition make it a promising candidate for further research and development.

Image by cosplay shooter (38m views) from Flickr.

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