
The New Recruits

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The novitiate is a period of intense spiritual formation and discernment for individuals seeking to join a religious community. This sacred time is a crucial step in the journey towards becoming a full-fledged member of the community. During the novitiate, novices undergo a rigorous program of prayer, study, and reflection to deepen their understanding of the community’s beliefs, values, and traditions.

The novitiate is a time of self-discovery and self-emptying, as novices strive to let go of their own desires and egos in order to fully embrace the way of life of the community. It is a time of testing and purification, as novices are challenged to confront their own weaknesses and limitations in order to grow in humility and obedience.

Ultimately, the novitiate is a time of discernment, as novices seek to discern whether they are truly called to a life of service and dedication within the religious community. It is a time of deepening commitment and surrender to God’s will, as novices surrender themselves completely to the guidance and direction of the community. The novitiate is a sacred and transformative time that prepares novices for a lifetime of service and devotion within their chosen religious community.

Image by Red_Proteus from Flickr.

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