
Split in Two

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Divided into two opposing factions, the once united group began to splinter and drift apart. The seeds of discord were sown long ago, but it was not until recent events that the division became apparent. The rift between the factions grew deeper with each passing day, as disagreements turned into arguments and alliances were tested.

On one side were those who sought change and progress, eager to embrace the future and all its possibilities. They were forward-thinking and innovative, always looking for new ways to improve and evolve. On the other side were those who clung to tradition and the status quo, resisting any form of change or deviation from the norm. They believed in preserving the past and holding on tightly to what they knew.

The tension between the two factions was palpable, and it seemed as though a breaking point was imminent. The rift threatened to tear the group apart completely, with both sides unwilling to compromise or find common ground. The divide between them only seemed to widen with each passing conflict, pushing them further and further apart.

As the group struggled to find a way to bridge the gap between them, it became clear that their differences ran deep and were not easily reconciled. The once united group now stood divided, and the future seemed uncertain. Only time would tell if they could overcome their divisions and work together once more.

Image by V A N D E E from Flickr.

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