“House of Cards” is a political drama television series that originally aired on Netflix. The show follows the ruthless and cunning politician Frank Underwood as he climbs the ranks of power in Washington D.C. through manipulation, deceit, and murder.
Frank Underwood, played by Kevin Spacey, is a masterful and Machiavellian character who stops at nothing to achieve his goals. His wife Claire, played by Robin Wright, is equally as devious and ambitious as they work together to outmaneuver their enemies and secure their positions of power.
The series is filled with twists, turns, and shocking moments that keep viewers on the edge of their seats. It has received critical acclaim for its writing, acting, and portrayal of the dark side of politics.
“House of Cards” is a gripping and suspenseful look at the world of power and corruption, and it will leave viewers questioning just how far individuals are willing to go to achieve their ambitions.
Image by Chris Chilvers from Flickr.