
Overly Clever

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Sometimes, being too clever can backfire. The phrase “too clever by half” refers to someone who is overly confident in their intelligence or cunning abilities, to the point where it becomes a flaw rather than a strength. It suggests that this person may be prone to making mistakes or overestimating their own abilities.

People who are too clever by half may think they can outsmart others or manipulate situations to their advantage, but in reality, their arrogance or overconfidence often leads to their downfall. This attitude can alienate others and create a sense of mistrust or resentment.

It’s important to find a balance between being intelligent and being humble. Arrogance and overconfidence can inhibit growth and hinder relationships. It’s better to approach situations with a sense of humility and openness, acknowledging that there is always something new to learn and ways to improve. Being too clever by half may seem impressive in the short term, but it can ultimately be a self-defeating trait.

Image by The Blue Jester from Flickr.

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