“The After Hours” is a thrilling short story written by William Faulkner in 1931. The story follows a young woman named Emily who works as a shoplifter in a department store. One night, after her shift ends, she becomes trapped in the store and begins to experience a series of strange events. The mannequins come to life, the store seems to change its layout, and Emily starts to question her own sanity.
As she explores the store, she encounters a mysterious woman named Miss Coral who seems to know more about Emily’s predicament than she lets on. Emily’s sense of reality becomes increasingly warped as she tries to navigate her way through the store and escape before sunrise.
“The After Hours” is a haunting tale that delves into themes of identity, perception, and the thin line between reality and illusion. Faulkner’s masterful storytelling and eerie atmosphere make for a captivating read that leaves readers questioning what is real and what is merely a figment of the imagination.
Image by Ai Junkie