
Genesis Chapter Eighteen, Verses Two and Three

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In Genesis 18:2-3 in the King James Version of the Bible, it describes the appearance of three mysterious visitors who visit Abraham at the Oaks of Mamre. When Abraham sees them, he runs to greet them and bows down to the ground. He addresses them as “my Lord” and asks them not to pass by without stopping for a visit.

This passage showcases Abraham’s humility and hospitality towards strangers. Despite not knowing who these visitors are, Abraham is eager to provide them with a warm welcome and offer them food and rest. His quick response to their arrival demonstrates his willingness to serve others and his reverence for guests.

The act of hospitality towards strangers is a common theme in many religious texts and is seen as a virtuous trait. In this passage, Abraham’s actions serve as a reminder of the importance of showing kindness and generosity to all, regardless of their status or background.
Image by Ai Junkie

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