
Flight in the Morning

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As the sun rose above the horizon, casting a warm orange glow over the tarmac, the airport was already bustling with activity. Travelers hurriedly made their way to their gates, clutching their carry-on bags and boarding passes. The air was filled with a palpable sense of excitement and anticipation.

Among the crowd, a young woman named Sarah stood nervously, waiting for her flight. This was her first time flying alone, and she couldn’t shake the feeling of unease. She juggled her boarding pass and passport in one hand, while nervously tapping her foot on the ground.

Finally, the announcement crackled over the intercom, signaling that boarding had begun. Sarah took a deep breath and joined the line of passengers making their way onto the plane. As she settled into her seat, she felt a mix of nerves and excitement bubbling inside her.

The flight attendants went through the safety procedures, and soon enough, the plane was taking off. Sarah watched in awe as the ground fell away beneath her, the city shrinking into tiny dots below. The feeling of weightlessness as the plane ascended filled her with a sense of freedom and wonder.

As she gazed out the window at the patchwork of fields and cities below, Sarah felt a sense of calm wash over her. This new perspective, high above the world, made her realize that her worries were just temporary. She closed her eyes and allowed herself to relax, embracing the adventure that lay ahead.

Image by EOSXTi from Flickr.

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