“Mood Indigo” is a classic jazz standard that was first composed by Duke Ellington in 1930. This melancholic and soulful tune captures the essence of the blues genre, evoking feelings of sadness and longing. The haunting melody of the song is often played by a muted trumpet or saxophone, adding to its emotional depth and beauty.
The lyrics of “Mood Indigo” speak of heartache and despair, with lines like “You ain’t been blue, till you’ve had that mood indigo.” The singer describes the deep sense of sadness and dejection that comes with feeling blue, a feeling that many can relate to in times of loneliness or heartbreak.
Overall, “Mood Indigo” remains a timeless piece of music that continues to resonate with audiences around the world. Its haunting melody and poignant lyrics capture the essence of the human experience, reminding us all of the power of music to express our deepest emotions.
Image by 10 mm from Flickr.