
Time is ticking

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Time is ticking

The sound of the clock echoed through the silent room, each tick followed by a tock creating a rhythmic melody. It was a constant reminder of the passage of time, a reminder that seemed to weigh heavily on the occupants of the room.

As the minutes passed, the tension in the air grew thicker. The sound of the clock seemed to amplify the anxiety that filled the space. Each tick felt like a countdown to an impending doom, the tock a finality that couldn’t be avoided.

The once calm atmosphere had now been replaced with a sense of urgency. The ticking of the clock felt like a race against time, a battle that couldn’t be won. Each second passed by with a sense of inevitability, a reminder that time waits for no one.

Tick-tock, tick-tock. The sound continued to fill the room, a constant reminder of the finite nature of time. It was a sound that couldn’t be ignored, a sound that demanded attention. And as the clock continued to tick and tock, the occupants of the room couldn’t help but feel its weight pressing down on them.

Image by C.DeR from Flickr.

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